My Cantonese Study Routine

Keeping up your Cantonese as a heritage speaker is tough. That’s why today I’m going to share some helpful tips and my own study routine so you’ll have some ideas for designing your own! Keep in mind that what works for me might not work for you. I think the best thing you can do is tinker around until you find something that works for you!

The importance of routine

First, I really want to emphasize the importance of establishing a routine in the first place. It’s easy for life to get in the way and leave us no time for personal projects if we let it! I try to make practicing Cantonese a daily habit that doesn’t take much thought or effort on my end. Autopilot = less stress + more consistency!

Make it fun!

I could never stick to a routine that I hated. I don’t want to force myself to watch or listen to something just because it’s in Cantonese. There are too many great Cantonese movies, TV shows, podcasts, albums, etc. to have to settle for something you don’t like. Here’s some resources I’ve really been enjoying lately!

My routine

  • When I wake up, I listen to a Cantonese podcast while I’m getting ready and/or watch a Cantonese vlog with my morning coffee.

  • When I jog or work out, I play Cantonese music and podcasts.

  • 2-3x week, I speak with a conversation partner on italki.

  • I watch Cantonese movies and TV shows (anime!) whenever I find something good.

In a typical week, I spend at least 5 hours practicing Cantonese. I plan on upping this eventually, but I definitely practice way more than I would without a routine in place!

Tips for designing a routine

  • Set realistic goals (e.g. 30 minutes, M-F)

  • Try to stick to the same time every day (When do you learn best? Morning/night?)

  • Find study material you enjoy

  • Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day, but try not to miss two or more days in a row!

I hope my tips and resources help you find a routine that works for you! Improving your Cantonese is challenging but also very rewarding. Good luck in your studies and 加油!

Brittany (& Jared)

*If you want to support me and get a $10 credit, please use my italki affiliate link!


8 More Cantonese YouTube Channels (Intermediate)


Why I use italki to practice my Cantonese