Why I use italki to practice my Cantonese

What’s italki?

Italki is one of the more popular online language learning platforms out there today. It functions as a marketplace that brings together students and teachers through video chat. You can find both informal conversation partners and professional teachers. Teachers set their own prices, but generally the more training they have, the more money they charge. Lessons are typically 1/2-1 hour long.

How I started

Back home in Toronto, I lived in an area with a lot of Cantonese speakers and spoke Cantonese everyday with my parents and other family. Now that I live in the small coastal town of Monterey, CA—far away from my family and around 2 hours away from the closest Cantonese-speaking community in San Francisco—I have a lot fewer chances to speak it. If it weren't for italki, I’d hardly speak it at all other than during a few calls home every week.

I started taking lessons on italki a couple years ago, at first one session per week but lately two or sometimes even three. My conversation partner is very nice. We chat for 1/2 hour about whatever comes into our heads. When new words come up, I write them down. When I make a mistake or say something off, she gently corrects me. She’s friendly and casual—I always look forward to our lessons together!

Online language learning platforms

I think online language learning platforms can be an excellent tool for heritage speakers who are serious about improving their Cantonese. Recently, I came across a thread on r/Cantonese where someone talked about how they find it easier to talk with a teacher online than relatives who are sometimes not willing to “stop and explain.”

When I do my italki sessions, I’m always stopping to ask questions in a way I never would in normal conversation with my family. The lesson format lets me slow down a bit. I try to use Cantonese words where I would otherwise throw in English. Over the last year or so, I’ve made real progress in my own studies—I can definitely tell especially when I call home to my parents!

I definitely still have gaps in my Cantonese (watching the news is still very hard!), but I notice that I speak more fluidly with my family than before (which is way more important to me than watching the news tbh). I can enjoy Cantonese movies and shows more now too!

In my AMA video, I got a question from someone who asked about how to practice when you don’t have anyone around. I think many heritage speakers find themselves in this situation after moving away for school or work and especially during the pandemic. It’s tough to keep up your Cantonese when you’re the only one around who speaks it! For people like this, platforms such as italki are a good solution.

Italki is not the only platform out there. I’m sure there are other good ones too. I just happened to learn about it through my husband, and it's worked for us. He’s taken French lessons on it and plans on finding a Cantonese teacher now too!


Find a teacher you feel comfortable with, someone who is patient and will answer your questions. Find someone you look forward to chatting with!

Also be clear with your teacher/language partner about what your objectives are. Do you just want someone to practice casual conversation with? Or do you need someone who can explain grammar and vocabulary in a more structured lesson? Trial lessons are a good way to find the right match.

Good luck in your studies and 加油!

Brittany (& Jared)

*If you want to support me and get a $10 credit, please use my italki affiliate link!


My Cantonese Study Routine


How to Use My Channel to Improve Your Cantonese